Time to Harvest!
Hey there! I know it may seem early but depending on what you grow, harvesting your plants can start anywhere from the beginning of the summer all the way through the fall. Harvesting from your home garden can be a really cool experience! Not only can you enjoy fresh produce, but you can also take pride in growing your own food. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your home garden harvest: 1. Harvest at the right time: Different plants have different harvest times. Some plants, like tomatoes, should be harvested when they are fully ripe, while others, like lettuce, should be harvested when they are still young and tender. Make sure you know the best time to harvest each plant in your garden. Right now I have been busy picking lettuce and even a few pea pods that are ready. 2. Use the right tools: Some plants, like tomatoes and peppers, are easily damaged if you pick them by hand. Use a pair of pruning shears or scissors to harvest these plants. If I don't have scisso...