
Are you looking for a new hobby this summer? Look no further than gardening! Gardening and growing your own food is a wonderful pastime that allows you to get some fresh air, and grow your own fresh fruits and vegetables. Whether you have a spacious backyard or just a few pots, there are so many ways to get started!

From a very young age I have always enjoyed spending time with my parents and grandparents outside in the garden. There is something so rewarding about planting, taking care of and, harvesting your own fresh food in the summertime. There is nothing better than delicious fruits and vegetables that you grow yourself. I love picking a ripe tomato or cucumber straight from the garden and adding it into my meals. Not only will you save money on groceries, but you'll also have the satisfaction of knowing exactly where it comes from.

From planting seeds in the spring to harvesting fruits and vegetables in the summer and fall, there is always something to do. For me personally, gardening is a great way to get some fresh air and reduce stress. I have found that for me spending time in nature can improve my mood and overall well-being.

Whether you've been gardening for a while or just beginning, there are tons of resources available to help you get started. There is no better time of the year to get started than now! 🌱


  1. Great topic. My husband just bought some cherry tomato and yellow pepper plants today. He has not had luck with regular tomatoe or green peppers.... Nancy

  2. I love your blog topic! Gardening has always been a way for my mom and I to spend time together outside. We always joke and say we are the gardeners and dad is the waterer. Without him, we are nothing! But together we all make a great team. We love harvesting fresh veggies in the summer like you mentioned to go with whatever we grilled up for dinner. I agree that gardening is a great way to de-stress and improve your overall mood and well-being because it gets you outside in the fresh air and more importantly, away from all the screens and stress of our everyday fast-paced lives. Planting and tending to a garden is a great way to ground yourself and remember that great things take time! I am excited to read more of your blog!
    Alyssa K


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